Dr. Tanny Tarafder

Speciality – Associate Consultant – Department of SurgeryDegree – MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), MRCS (UK)

Dr. Fowaz Hussain Shuvo

Speciality – Consultant – Hepatology & GastroenterologyDegree – MBBS, MD (Hepatology)

Prof. Sk. Md. Bahar Hussain

Speciality – Senior Consultant, GastroenterologyDegree – MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), FACP (USA), FRCP (Edin), F. Gastro (Shanghai), FRCP (Glasgow)

Brig. Gen. Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain

Speciality – Senior Consultant and Gastrointestinal, Liver & Pancreatic DiseasesDegree – MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Gastroenterology)

Dr. Md. Nasimul Jamal

Speciality – Consultant, ENT, Head & Neck SurgeryDegree – MBBS, DLO, FCPS (ENT), Advance Training in Ear Microsurgery, Deaf & Dumb (UK)

Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee

Speciality – Consultant, ENT, Head & Neck SurgeryDegree – MBBS, FCPS (ENT)