Dr. Md. Shoriful Islam (Sumon)

MBBS, BCS(Health) FCPS(Surgery) MS(Plastic Surgery) Consultant Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barishal For Serial: 01711993953

Dr. Md. Maruful Islam

MBBS, BCS(Health) MS(Plastic Surgery) FACS(USA), FRCS(UK) Fellow: SGH-PGMI(Singapore), TWMU(Japan) Associate Professor Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barishal For Serial: 01711993953

Dr. Imran Choudhury

MBBS, FCPS Associate Professor & Head Dept. of Burn & Plastic Surgery Time of Patient: 10 AM-1 PM & 7 PM – 9PM (SAT – THU) For Serial: 01792-727011, +88-02-58616074, 58614123

Dr. Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad

MBBS, MS (Plastic Surgery), BCS (Health) Plastic Surgeon Specialist in Burn, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Dhaka Medical College & Hospital Visiting Hour : 4 pm to 6:30 pm (Sun, Tues & Thursday) Make appointment to Call : 0927 or 09666710627

Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman (Masum)

MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery) Plastic Surgeon Assistant Professor Sheikh Hasina National Institite of Burn & Plastic Surgery, Dhaka Visiting Hour : 3 pm to 6 pm (Friday & Govt. holidays closed) Make appointment to Call : 0927 or 09666710627


Department Of: General & Plastic SurgeonConsultant Doctor Schedule DR. UMMA SALMA POLY Designation Consultant Doctor Code U020 Doctor Type Consultant Department General & Plastic Surgeon Degree MBBS (SOMC), MS (DMC)Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive surgeon Consultant Uttara Crescent Hospital Mobile 10665 Address

Dr. Sharif Asfia Rahman

Department Of: General & Plastic SurgeonAssistant Professor Doctor Schedule Dr. Sharif Asfia Rahman Designation Assistant Professor Doctor Code S169 Doctor Type Consultant Department General & Plastic Surgeon Degree  MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)  MS (Plastic Surgery)  Associate Professor (CC)  Dhaka Medical College & Hospital She joined government service under the Ministry of Health And Family Welfare in 2001.   She […]


Department Of: General & Plastic SurgeonProfessor Doctor Schedule PROF. DR. BIDHAN SARKER Designation Professor Doctor Code 0013 Doctor Type Consultant Department General & Plastic Surgeon Degree MBBS (DMC), MS (Plastic Surgery)  Trained In Micro-Surgery (Interplast, USA).  Professor of & Head  Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery  Dhaka Medical College & Hospital   Mobile 01917704156 Address Uttara […]

Dr. Kamrul Islam Mamun

MBBS, MS (Plastic Surgery) PGT (Surgery) Dhaka Medical College The patient sees : Every day at noon Serial : 01891-150950, 01748-334414

Dr. Mahbub Hasan

Speciality – Fellowship (Hand and microsurgery) – UK Associate Consultant , Plastic SurgeryDegree – MBBS, FCPS (General Surgery), FCPS (Plastic Surgery), MRCS (Edinburgh), Advanced training in burn and plastic surgery – Singapore & Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Shafquat Hussain Khundkar

Speciality – Senior Consultant , Plastic SurgeryDegree – MBBS, FCPS, WHO Fellow (Plastic Surgery) Trained in Plastic Surgery(Melbourne, Australia)